divendres, 6 de juny del 2008


Hi havia una vegada, un home que tenia una fàbrica de chocolata.

Aquesta fàbrica estava feta especialment perquè els nens i nenes la visitessin i comparteixin aquesta meravellosa fàbrica.

Quan la fàbrica tancava per la nit Tom, que era el amo de la fàbrica, quan no estava davant dels nens i nenes, es transformava.

A les mans hi tenia tisores i en aquest moment, quan tenia les tisores era inofensiu, però quan es transformava en Batman era un home malvat i dolent.

Cada dia tenia la mateixa vida, per el dia una personalitat i per la nit un altre.

Quan Tom es transformava en el senyor de les tisores, no li podia tocar cap humà si no es quedava per tota la vida amb les tisores a les mans.

Una vagada, una senyora es va enamorar de ell, per la seva manera de ser.

Ell vivia en una casa molt gran. Quan aquella noia va anar a casa d’en Tom, és va espantar una mica per les tisores que tenia a les mans.

Ella com que l’estimava, se’l va emportar a casa seva per curar totes les ferides que tenia a la cara.

Al passar un temps la noia, Jenifer li va portar al metge per curar-li les ferides de la cara i imputar-li unes mans noves perquè fos un home normal i corrent.

Al cap d’un temps Tom ja tenia unes mans com tothom i van fer vida normal i corrent.

dilluns, 2 de juny del 2008

Edward Scissorhands

1-Search information in...

-What year was the film made?
The film made in 1990.

-Who is the director? What famous films has he directed? Copy names and pictures

The directos is Tim Burton.
The famous films is
- Tim Burton.-Edward Scissorhands.-Sleepy Hollow.-Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.-Batman.

-Who are the main actor and actress? Copy Names and picture.
Winona Ryder (Kim's) and Jhonny Depp (Edward).

-What type of film is it? a tragedy? a comedy? Why?
The film is a comedy-drama.

-What two famous stories are compared to Edward Scissorhands? Why?
Frankenstein and Beauty and the Beast.

2- DISCUSS the film

-Where does Edward live at the beginning of the film?
Edward at the beginning the film live is you hause.

-Where does his new family live?
The new family live is the hause normal.

-Describe the town and put a picture. When does the story take place?
the city is parfect, not problems, the person is happier...Story take is America.

-What is Peg's job (the mother)? Is she making a lot of money?
The job Peg's is saleswoman. Is not making of money.

-What are the advantages and disadvantages of scissors for Edward?
advantages is the scissors tree,
flesh... . Disadvantages is cut.

-Who are good friends and bad friends in the film?
good friends is Kathy and bad friesnd is the boyfrend the Kathy.

-What's the best moment in the film for you?

My good moment is the film is Kathy and Edward is hut me.

Do you like the film? What's good or bad about it?
I like film.The film good is the Peg's when he is going to look for it to your house. Or bad abaut when the whole world puts in opposition to.

3- Dialogue
-Write a dialogue between Edward and Kim changing the end of the film. Record it with audacity.
The end my film is Edward and Kim is hut me.

4- THE NEW FILM by Tim Burton

Think about Edward Scissorhands and Sleepy Hollow, Nightmare before Christmas, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Batman...
Can you make a photo story of the next film??? (with movie maker)

5- Interview with your mobile recorder

- Do you like watching films?
Yes, I have liked the movie the only thing that was waiting for another end.

- What's the last film you have seen?
The last movie that I have seen to been "Algo pasa en las vegas".

- Can you say the title of two films you really like?
Creep and "la cosecha".

- Do you know Tim Burton?
Yes,of the movies.

- Have you seen Nightmare before Christmas, Batman, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or Edward Scissorhands?
Yes, I have seen someone of Tim Burton.

- Do you like these films?
Not estan badly

dijous, 22 de maig del 2008

dijous, 15 de maig del 2008

In my life!:P

I have flown by plane.

I have danced publicly.

I Have eaten frog.

I have seen an iguana - tinoceronte.

I have seen one take care from the high thing

I haven't mounted the boat.

I haven't mounted the horse.
I haven't driven the car.
I haven't dressed up in Carnaval.
I haven't to come to the horizon.

Lorena has dressed up in Carnaval.

Laura has danced publicly.

Veronica has smoking.

Sonia has thrown herself in parachute.

Hinde has gone away to Morrocan.

dijous, 8 de maig del 2008

My friends is......!

Get a Voki now!

dissabte, 26 d’abril del 2008

Our place

dijous, 24 d’abril del 2008

My town

I live in Sant Miquel de fluvià.
There are 2 schools and one highschool.
Is Sant Miquel
has 700 inhabitants approximately.
They are the most important places: the roman oven, the fountain, the washtub, the hermitage and the monastery.antique part and the new part. In the modern part they find school 2(Ceip Vallgarriga, el Infants).
My favourite place in my town is Cente Civic, there many activities are made.
The town festival is in the summer, party plots. We (Comissió de festes jove) have this party.